Multi-Purpose Ghee
Golden Cow – A2 Bilona Ghee Shree Brij Gaudham vedic bilona Ghee Gau Maa- A2 bilona Ghee |

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Shree Brij Gaudham Vedic Bilona Ghee

Golden Cow – A2 Bilona Ghee

Gau Maa- A2 bilona Ghee

Desi Ghee Made by Us

We prepare Desi Ghee by traditional bilona method. The milk is heated in a pottery vessel on a low flame of cow dung fire so as to get a unique flavor in the milk. This is what sets the final nutty flavor in the product. The next step is- milk is curdled to make dahi(curd) and then hand churned ( “traditional manthan”) to obtain Makhan (butter). Butter is further heated in an earthen pot to get the final product-“Ghee”. It is ensured, that metal is not used in any way throughout the above process. This Vedic method is the best process to prepare Desi-Ghee as mentioned in traditional Indian scriptures.

Contrary to the above, in the general market ghee is produced from milk cream through machines and chemicals. The Ghee prepared with machines and chemicals does not have medicinal properties. At our centre we take care that Ghee is made by Ayurvedic method which is recommended by Indian literature

Gir Ghee (Pure A2 Gir Cow Ghee) is made from milk collected from grass-fed desi gir cows. Grazing upon medicinal grasses in green pastures makes the milk of desi gir cows a nectar. Now this nectar gives us best of A2 ghee. These cows are grass-fed and are not factory-farmed and are free from cross-breeding, which gives our Ghee its special, natural qualities. After procuring milk it is turned into curd and then through bilona process-Makhan is churned out of it. This Makhan is then heated in mudpots through cow dung cakes to make Ghee.

Shree Brij Gaudham Vedic Bilona Ghee

Shree Brij Gaudham vedic bilona ghee made from milk of Konkrej breed Indian Cows. Packed in Glass Bottle. Available pack size-1Ltr MRP-1200 and 500 ml MRP-600, Ghee is made from Indian Breed- Kankrej through vedic Bilona Method, as mentioned earlier.      

Golden Cow – A2 Bilona Ghee

Golden Cow – A2 Bilona Ghee made from milk of Sahiwal Breed Indian Cows. Packed in Glass Bottle. Available pack Size- 1 ltr MRP-1500/- and 500 ml. MRP-750

Gau Maa- A2 Bilona Ghee

Gau Maa- A2 bilona ghee made from milk of Gir Cows. Packed in Glass Bottle. Available pack Size- 1 ltr (Mrp-2100 and 500 ml-MRP-1050

Gir Ghee (Pure A2 Gir Cow Ghee) is made from milk collected from grass-fed desi gir cows. Grazing upon medicinal grasses in green pastures makes the milk of desi gir cows a nectar. Now this nectar gives us best of A2 ghee.


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